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Category: Wine Seminar
Event price: €9,700.00
Organizer: Deutsche Wein- und Sommelierschule
Date & Time: 17.06.24 - 25.06.24
Location: Koblenz, Deutschland
iCal /Google Calendar:
The WSET® Diploma in Wines is internationally recognised as one of the most comprehensive and prestigious wine education programmes available.

The new advanced training to become a certified master sommelier is based on the special legal regulation of the Koblenz Chamber of Industry and Commerce for higher vocational training to become a certified master sommelier. The certified master sommelier is an entrepreneurial and market-conscious strategist for all facets of the national and international world of enjoyment, equipped with comprehensive knowledge of wine, food and wine science
knowledge of wine science, food sensory, commercial law and business management. The WSET® Diploma in Wines can be obtained in English as a complement to the public law qualification of Certified Master Sommelier
can be acquired.

The WSET® Diploma in Wines is internationally recognised as one of the most comprehensive and renowned wine education programmes.

This page was last modified at 5 June, 2024 at 09:17.